HomeScroll of Remembrance

Scroll of Remembrance

The following are being remembered through Ride To The Wall This Year

Kevin Murphy, Elizabeth Murphy, Neil Grabham, Lisa Grabham, Martin Hellyar

Kevin Potts

Kiwi Spencer RM Falklands 1982

Kris O''niel

L Cpl. Brodie Gillon

L/cp scott heatherington and all who payed the ultimate sacrifice.


L/Cpl Liam Tasker, CPL Channing Day, MWD Theo

L/cpl Paul Taff Thomas

L/CPL scott heatherington, L/CPL Barry Buxton,all who payed the ultimate sacrifice.

L/Cpl. J.H.G.Campkin Seaforth Highlanders.

LAC Vincent William Reed RAF, Cpl Kathleen Perl Reed WAAF

Larry McEvoy, Tim Mulqueen

Lbdr Kevin Waller

Lbdr Kevin Waller & AB (EW) Stephen Heyes

LCpl David Matthew Blaney 25020885 Royal Signals 30/11/1974 - 10/02/1999

Lcpl Douglas Cairney

LCpl Iain Robert Warnock

LCPL John Johnson, Royal Warwickshire Regt

LCpl Richard ‘Shag’ Scanlon QDG, Cpl Mark Wright GC 3 Para.

LCpl Sarah Holmes

LCpl William Johnson RSG, Pvt Frank Johnson RE.

Lee Bonsall, Andrew Cutts

LEN.H.T. Tooth Chindit Essex reg. ,George Wilmot RE

Leon Julian Piotrowski

Leon Spicer Robbie Laws

Leonard Percival

Leonard Percival

Leonard Williams

Leonardo Mendez, David Friend, Alan Parkin,mat Telford, Daz Chant, Badger Kitley, Ian Liptrott, Graham Stevenson,

Les Pointon, Jeff Pearce

Leslie Dawkins

Liam Tasker, Channing Day

Liam Tasker, David Shepherd, Brent McCarthy

Liam Tasker, Ken Rowe.

Linda Franklin

Linda Franklin


Lisa Jayne Fitzmaurice. Joseph Beesley 3RD South Staffs.