HomeScroll of Remembrance

Scroll of Remembrance

The following are being remembered through Ride To The Wall This Year

SGT David ''Bob'' Monkhouse (RDG)

Sgt David Smith, L/Cpl Brodie Gillon

Sgt John Fraser CAMERONS

Sgt M.J Height

Sgt Ray Hannah - RE

Sgt Wayne Davis

Shaun Lanston

Simon Appleby-Somerville, Maureen Appleby-Somerville

Simon Cullingworth, Luke Allsopp

Simon Trott

Simon Ware

Sir Peter Squire

SQMS Baz Bardsley II Para, Sgt James E Oakland RMP, CM Lee Gaunt, FF Steve Hunt GMFRS

Sqn Ldr Bob Horne RIP

Sqn Ldr Noel Ernest Walter 30/10/1936-18/02/2023

Ssgt Chris Muir, EOD

Ssgt ER Jennings

Stanley John Lunt

STD Mark Stephens, AB(S) Andy Barr, SSGT Jim Prescott

Stephen Dixon, Maggie Dixon

Steve Mills, Steve Clarke, Joseph (Joe) Brown

Steven Croft

Steven heppenstall

Stuart Bolton

Stuart McGrath


Terence George Darby, Colour Sergeant, 1st Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

Terry and Carey Jones

Terry and Carey Jones

Terry Blackburn

Terry Hill

Terry Hill, kev parley, Simon jeans, Phil bottomley, Glen mcgonigol

Tex Ball

The late: Major (Rtd) Donald Norrie

Tim Stammer

Timothy Pollard

To all ex and serving Light Dragoons

To all my Vikings brother RIP

Tommy Palmer, Chris Jones, Mike Melia

Tony Anderson, Northern Ireland May 24th 1982